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Human Design - Relationship Coaching

3 sessions | 90 mins each via Zoom | Available as a package only

  • 1 h 30 min
  • Online via Zoom

Service Description

We are here to live our lives and express our truth in our own unique way. This powerful consultation is your entry point to discovering yourself. It is a journey of awareness, self-acceptance and crucially, self-empowerment. Each member of the couple will receive an individual consultation, including: (1) Human Design 'Type': are you a Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor or Reflector?... and everything that means! (2) Personal Interaction Style: learn how your non-verbal energy affects you, and those around you both personally and professionally (3) Strategy & Authority: knowing how you are designed to interact with others, how to remove resistance in communication and how to make decisions with confidence and correct timing is life changing! (4) Key Indicators: knowing when you are on or off-track allows you to make different choices and course-correct when necessary (5) Your Profile: this is the ultimate expression of being YOU! What are you really here to do, and what contribution are you here to make? (6) Wisdom & Advice: Let me highlight a few unique pitfalls you may encounter so you can more easily move into alignment and enjoy living your design. The third consultation is collaborative. When a couple understand themselves from the vantage point of their individual designs as well as their combined design, there is the potential for a relationship based on authenticity, compassion, acceptance and respect. We will discuss your strengths as a couple, and where there may be tension. We'll look at how to create an environment with no fault or blame, just support for the uniqueness of each person. It's time to understand the most important person in your life on a completely new level! Mandatory requirements: Your date, time and place of birth (for both) must be sent to Amanda one week prior to the first consultation. Each presentation is individually crafted, and takes many hours to prepare. If not received in time, the appointment(s) will be rescheduled. Price: $995AUD for all three 90-min sessions. Upon completion, you will receive your individual and joint presentations that will guide you throughout your life. Remember, this is life long learning.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel reschedule individual consultations, please provide a minimum of 48 hours notice or the session will be forfeited. Please note: Group coaching will not be amended so please make every effort to attend every session. Make-up sessions will incur an additional cost. With many thanks, Amanda

Contact Details

NSW, Australia

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